Hey! Sorry I haven't written in forever! Tons of stuff going on, including passing out during the Christmas program Sunday night at GBS.
So anyway, the Stetlers have already sold two of their puppies! They are so cute and roly poly and snuggly! I held some of them yesterday. I love little things...they're so cute!
Our Christmas program at our church is Sunday! Pray I can remember my lines cuz I'm still memorizing!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
New Puppies!

So the Stetler's dog, Katie had puppies yesterday. Last I knew there were six. Somebody can update me. But anyway, there were six the last time I was over there. I got to watch two of them be born. It is a very disgusting yet amazing process. Lucy, their other dog is expecting and could probably go any time this week. How exciting!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Skyline Time!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Are You For Serious!?!
Friday, November 2, 2007
El Mono

This is my murderous cousin. He is currently serving time in the zoo for bad behavior.
We don't expect to hear of a release date anytime soon.

Just to let you know, this is another joke that originated from my goofy answers that I tend to give. In my Spanish class, our conversation time comes straight from the book and it tends to get a little boring. So I started making up my own questions using the term "el mono,' which means "the monkey." Now, the other two girls in my class kind of expect me to ask with "el mono' in the sentence, and they have also started using other animals, like la vaca (the cow), and el puerco (the pig), and el pollo (the chicken). There are some girls that are known as monkeys (not very literally), and they each have their names. Well, I decided to be a spider monkey, and today, I was named... El Mono! It's not the disease, mono (MAH-noh), it is mono (MOH-noh). Just to clear that up. I klnow this is stupid and going onm forever, but just thought I'd share. I haven't written in forever anyway, and you're probably wondering where I've been anyway. So now I have posted for you.
It's Me!

Well anyway! This is me for you poor people who have never seen my picture on this blog! Haven't you been so underprivileged? J/K. Anyway, I just thought I'd post this for you. I'm the tall, darker haired one in the pink...not that y'all don't know that already but thought I'd share.
P.S. I stole this from Callie's blog, in case you were wondering.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I forgot that there may be people who do not know who Frankie is. Don't worry, Charlotte; it's nothing serious. Frankie was invented some time last year. Monte was being silly last summer, and asked our Sunday school class if any of us got married or anything over the weekend. I said that I had, and that's where the invention of Frankie occurred. I do not know why I chose the name Frankie (guess i just like the name at the time), but as a joke I have developed the story further. There have been rumors that Frankie an I are divorced. They are untrue. Last year for Consumer Math, we were given a project in which we had to have spouses and children. Once a week, we would draw chance cards, and occasionally, a child would be added to our family. By the end of the project, I had four kids. So for our tax papers, I named them. So this is how things are.
Frankie Jones, Junior, is my husband. Joshua Seth is my oldest. Then is Caleb Jordan. Then Elizabeth Renae. Then Heather Nichole.
So that is my explanation of Frankie.
Frankie Jones, Junior, is my husband. Joshua Seth is my oldest. Then is Caleb Jordan. Then Elizabeth Renae. Then Heather Nichole.
So that is my explanation of Frankie.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wedded Bliss!
No dear viewers, I did not get married over the weekend. (Frankie and I are doing just fine. I think most of you know who Frankie is.)
However, I did play at a wedding Saturday. I really did not know the family. The groom's great- aunt was the only person in the family that I knew, and unfortunately, she didn't come. It all went pretty well except for the fact that the seven bridesmaids were standing right in front of me, and I didn't know that the flower girl had not come down yet. I stopped playing, only to begin playing again. The flower girl did not even end up sprinkling the petals down the aisle; her mother, the matron of honor, pretty much had to walk her daughter down the aisle. Other than that, the wedding went okay. It was a pretty nice gig for fifty dollars. I was shocked.
I will do my best to keep you updated on the boring facts of my life as much as possible. Who knows? Maybe I'll have more exciting things happen soon.
However, I did play at a wedding Saturday. I really did not know the family. The groom's great- aunt was the only person in the family that I knew, and unfortunately, she didn't come. It all went pretty well except for the fact that the seven bridesmaids were standing right in front of me, and I didn't know that the flower girl had not come down yet. I stopped playing, only to begin playing again. The flower girl did not even end up sprinkling the petals down the aisle; her mother, the matron of honor, pretty much had to walk her daughter down the aisle. Other than that, the wedding went okay. It was a pretty nice gig for fifty dollars. I was shocked.
I will do my best to keep you updated on the boring facts of my life as much as possible. Who knows? Maybe I'll have more exciting things happen soon.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Dear Blog Viewers,
So terribly sorry I haven't been able to write anything new on here. I've been busy with school and other various unimportant things such as that, so my correspondence is sadly lacking. I'm doing pretty good with school. Life is interesting to say the least. Tonight I have a rehearsal for a wedding that I'm supposed to play for. Last night is was after one o'clock before I was able to go to sleep. Great! I know you'll all be extremely proud of me... I've been driving! I don't think I'll drive today as we're in a big hurry so I can get home in time for my ride to the rehearsal. I'm actually writing this in my Spanish three class. We got done early today, so I had some extra time. Seriously, this is the first time I've had the opportunity to do this. They won't let us get on here as much as they used to. They've been cracking down on us more this year.
I'll do my best to stay in touch and try to keep up with all of your blogs too.
I'll do my best to stay in touch and try to keep up with all of your blogs too.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
School Days
Well, the lazy , hazy days of summer have passed us by, and all we teenagers are back in school.
Today is the first day of a three day weekend. This Monday is Labor Day for those of you who might have forgotten. I am doing just fine in school (if you were wondering), and don't have to take advanced math or Physics now! The way things worked out was really great. So now I'm not so stressed. I am actually having fun and enjoying all the new teachers. They are really great! I'm enjoying getting to see familiar faces on campus once again, and seeing some "new" ones such as Amber Cutler, Gretchen Pickett, Ezra Byer and John Lee.
I had one of my spells Wednesday night and only got two hours of sleep. It was awful. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me on the test she did, so she is trying something else. It may be due to the food I eat, and she gave me some medicine to use when I have my "attacks."
Just to let you know, if you already didn't know, Oscar Johnson passed away. I really love that man. He was the closest thing to perfect I ever saw, and I'm sure he's in heaven now. If anyone would have made it, it would have been Oscar.
Since this Monday is Labor Day, WEBN is putting on fireworks Sunday night. I think I'm going to be able to go with Kyle to see them. I went with him and the Miles and some other people last year, and even with all the walking we did, it was lots of fun. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! Enjoy!
Today is the first day of a three day weekend. This Monday is Labor Day for those of you who might have forgotten. I am doing just fine in school (if you were wondering), and don't have to take advanced math or Physics now! The way things worked out was really great. So now I'm not so stressed. I am actually having fun and enjoying all the new teachers. They are really great! I'm enjoying getting to see familiar faces on campus once again, and seeing some "new" ones such as Amber Cutler, Gretchen Pickett, Ezra Byer and John Lee.
I had one of my spells Wednesday night and only got two hours of sleep. It was awful. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me on the test she did, so she is trying something else. It may be due to the food I eat, and she gave me some medicine to use when I have my "attacks."
Just to let you know, if you already didn't know, Oscar Johnson passed away. I really love that man. He was the closest thing to perfect I ever saw, and I'm sure he's in heaven now. If anyone would have made it, it would have been Oscar.
Since this Monday is Labor Day, WEBN is putting on fireworks Sunday night. I think I'm going to be able to go with Kyle to see them. I went with him and the Miles and some other people last year, and even with all the walking we did, it was lots of fun. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! Enjoy!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Back to School
Well, guess it's back to the old grindstone. School starts tomorrow. Yay. Get up early. Wear ugly uniform. Hope you look as good as you possibly can in the horrendous thing. Hope your hair does not fall down. Try to survive the scariest two subjects in high school - Physics and Trig/Pre- cal. Try to graduate at the top of the class with better competition.
That's just my view of things. I went to GBS today to get registered, and got to see a lot of my friends that I made last year. I'm definitely going to be busy this year, but the nice part is the fun. The friends that you can laugh and joke with. Yeah, so maybe school's not loads of fun ( I mean, I'm hardly skipping around the house), but friends get you through.
So, my real main goal this year? Not stressing. That is the main thing. Apparently, some of this sickness I've had this summer, if not all of it, is stress related.
I will now start getting up at 6:00, at least. I will wear my ugly uniforms. I will take Physics. But I will not stress. I hope.
That's just my view of things. I went to GBS today to get registered, and got to see a lot of my friends that I made last year. I'm definitely going to be busy this year, but the nice part is the fun. The friends that you can laugh and joke with. Yeah, so maybe school's not loads of fun ( I mean, I'm hardly skipping around the house), but friends get you through.
So, my real main goal this year? Not stressing. That is the main thing. Apparently, some of this sickness I've had this summer, if not all of it, is stress related.
I will now start getting up at 6:00, at least. I will wear my ugly uniforms. I will take Physics. But I will not stress. I hope.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sleepy and Sedated
Hey everybody! Guess what I got to do today? I had a procedure done. It has a long funny name, but it's also called an upper GI which is so much easier to pronounce. So this procedure is where they put me to sleep with an IV and take a flexible scope through my mouth, down the esophagus, and into my stomach and small intestine. Actually, it's nowhere near as scary as it seems. I just had the best sleep I've had in weeks! It's a very simple process, and it was over very quickly. I got to sleep through the whole thing. Then after I came to, we came home, and I went to sleep. The doctor seems to think I'll be sleepy all day. I actually feel a little energized right now. I've been in a goofy mood all morning. And all I've had since 5:30 last night were two donut sticks that Mom gave me when I came to after the procedure. I had to be there at 6:15 this morning! No one should hae to be forced to wake up at such an ungodly hour and not be allowed to eat breakfast. That's cruelty! But anyway..... there is some type of something wrong in my stomach and I'll have to go back later this month. At least that's what I think. I was half asleep when they told Mom this. She knows the details - I don't. Just to let ya'll know, I'm doin good!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
End Of Terror Reign!
Oh boy! Yesterday was the last day for VBS! Ok, I really do love the kids, and they love me.... but it is so nice to get a break from it. Especially since I didn't have any help for my team the last two days. I am tired! There is also only so much I can do with my ankle being this way, so I couldn't run with the kids. I actually had probably the best group of kids this year. They were pretty well behaved for the most part.
I have made a change on my blog to where people can now post comments, even if they're not bloggers. I would appreciate no anonymous comments though. Here's the way to post a comment if you don't have a blog or a website, but you don't want to post as anonymous. You can comment as a person with a website, just don't put the name of a website down. That way you don't have to post as anonymous and sign your name at the bottom of the comment.
I have made a change on my blog to where people can now post comments, even if they're not bloggers. I would appreciate no anonymous comments though. Here's the way to post a comment if you don't have a blog or a website, but you don't want to post as anonymous. You can comment as a person with a website, just don't put the name of a website down. That way you don't have to post as anonymous and sign your name at the bottom of the comment.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Two Posts In One Day!
There comes a time when all children of all ages begin to panic. Every one of them dreads it. It sneaks up on you when you aren't ready for it. It is (drumroll please>>insert scary music<<)......
The end of the summer and the beginning of the school year! >>insert shriek of terror<<< AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Well, as much as we all hate to see it coming, school is fast approaching. Just a week and a half left of freedom. Or something like that. Actually, I guess it's not really that bad. This just happens to be my last year of high school - I'm a senior. Which means the Senior jean days, the Junior/Senior banquet, and Senior trip. It also means I have to keep my grades as absolutely high as possible so I can make Valdictorian, and I have to decide what I will major in for college next year! It also means I'll get to see all my friends from school again, and drama will start again, too! Also, some friends of mine will be coming to GBS for college, Gretchen Pickett and Amber Cutler, both of whom have already asked me to stay a night with them in the dorm. That'll be lots of fun. So it has it's good and bad sides to it. So the question is........
It sneaks up on everyone. None of us are immune. Are YOU ready?
The end of the summer and the beginning of the school year! >>insert shriek of terror<<< AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Well, as much as we all hate to see it coming, school is fast approaching. Just a week and a half left of freedom. Or something like that. Actually, I guess it's not really that bad. This just happens to be my last year of high school - I'm a senior. Which means the Senior jean days, the Junior/Senior banquet, and Senior trip. It also means I have to keep my grades as absolutely high as possible so I can make Valdictorian, and I have to decide what I will major in for college next year! It also means I'll get to see all my friends from school again, and drama will start again, too! Also, some friends of mine will be coming to GBS for college, Gretchen Pickett and Amber Cutler, both of whom have already asked me to stay a night with them in the dorm. That'll be lots of fun. So it has it's good and bad sides to it. So the question is........
It sneaks up on everyone. None of us are immune. Are YOU ready?
The Old Crip Has Caught Up!
Whoa! So sorry for my delay in writing, but with my leg as it is, going down the stairs to get to the computer isn't always an fun thing. Okay, so for those of you who haven't heard the story of my ankle, I'll fill you in. As I said in my last post, I went to Indiana to see my grandparents. We had gone to my aunt's house for supper Thursday night. I had been outside playing with my little second cousins, and later they went inside. It was after nine o'clock and dark, but I could see just fine. They had soccer goals set up in their yard and I started dribbling the ball down and missed a shot. Then I turned and went the other way, determined to make the shot this time. I did. But painfully so. My body turned sideways and as I landed I heard this popping noise. By the time I hit the ground I was in pain. They took me to the ER and I was diagnosed with a severely sprained ankle. I was on crutches for a while, and I'm still wearing my foot brace. The swelling made my foot and ankle look as if I had taken a fat person's foot and attatched it to my leg. It also turned blue, yellow, and several pretty shades of purple. But the swelling and the discoloration is going away, and it looks much better.
This week is Vacation Bible School, and also the Boone County Fair. The little girls in my group (the 9-10 yr. olds) really love me, so I feel like I'm in the right spot. Thankfully, I had help last night and so did Ezra, otherwise it would have been kinda scary. We don't have as many helpers this year so Sherilyn, Ezra and I were supposed to be in charge of two different groups. That's not easy, especially considering that they are the two oldest groups.
Well, now I have caught up with posting!
This week is Vacation Bible School, and also the Boone County Fair. The little girls in my group (the 9-10 yr. olds) really love me, so I feel like I'm in the right spot. Thankfully, I had help last night and so did Ezra, otherwise it would have been kinda scary. We don't have as many helpers this year so Sherilyn, Ezra and I were supposed to be in charge of two different groups. That's not easy, especially considering that they are the two oldest groups.
Well, now I have caught up with posting!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Love in the Air
How sweet! Andy and Sherilyn are officially dating. Isn't that cute!?! I think they make an adorable couple, personally. Yesterday was Andy's birthday, just a little tidbit of info for you.
Michael and Linda Schaub had their baby! And it was born on my birthday! Her name is Rachael Elizabeth. And Michael got to be there for it and everything. I think that's cute.
I'm leaving to go to Indiana tomorrow to visit my grandparents on Mom's side. Mamaw and Papaw do not have a computer so I won't be able to update until I get back, which will be Sunday. So see you guys Sunday!
Michael and Linda Schaub had their baby! And it was born on my birthday! Her name is Rachael Elizabeth. And Michael got to be there for it and everything. I think that's cute.
I'm leaving to go to Indiana tomorrow to visit my grandparents on Mom's side. Mamaw and Papaw do not have a computer so I won't be able to update until I get back, which will be Sunday. So see you guys Sunday!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Busy Bloggers
HEY! All you people out in bloggerdom! Am I the only one who updates at least once week? Maybe you people are too busy to post. That means you probably have all kinds of stuff you have been doing that you could tell the rest of us about. My life isn't overly exciting but I post!
Get to updating!
Get to updating!
Sweet Seventeen?
Okey-doke. So do I feel older? Not really. I do feel a little wiser, more .... what is the word? Experienced? Oh well. Anyway, we did go to Bruster's last night and I got Birthday Cake ice cream as planned. My sinuses are actually much better today, btw. I got a turquoise watch that is water resistant, the "It's Time" Michael Buble cd, and an electric razor. Don't laugh. It's sooo much easier to shave with an electric one. (I'm sure everyone just loved that) jk. And Kyle says that he ordered something for me over the internet, but it won't be here for a couple more days. So I'm waiting on a mystery present. Today, we'll probably go out to eat to celebrate my birthday.
Last Friday, we went to Famous Dave's Barbecue, and our waiter kept asking us if we wanted dessert. He finally said that if it was anyone's birthday, we could get a free ice cream. I laughed and told him my birthday was a week from that day. He said that it was close enough and soon, there was a free ice cream sitting in front of me with a neat little sparkler in it. I think they're the only restaurant that does that. The waiter said that he liked that better than singing.
Some older guy sitting at the table in front of us asked me "25?"
I just laughed and shook my head. "26?" I shook my head. He guessed again. "21?"
"No," I said and laughed again.
"Is it a secret?" so I told him "17." He said "No one's that young. "
I guess he's been too old for too long.
Last Friday, we went to Famous Dave's Barbecue, and our waiter kept asking us if we wanted dessert. He finally said that if it was anyone's birthday, we could get a free ice cream. I laughed and told him my birthday was a week from that day. He said that it was close enough and soon, there was a free ice cream sitting in front of me with a neat little sparkler in it. I think they're the only restaurant that does that. The waiter said that he liked that better than singing.
Some older guy sitting at the table in front of us asked me "25?"
I just laughed and shook my head. "26?" I shook my head. He guessed again. "21?"
"No," I said and laughed again.
"Is it a secret?" so I told him "17." He said "No one's that young. "
I guess he's been too old for too long.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Yay! It's my birthday today! I'm seventeen years old now. What an accomplishment! I feel older already! lol
Anyhoo, besides all that, I got to go to Ohio Youth Camp for a couple days. That was really great, and I got to see all these people who actually remembered me- amazing!-and I had a blast. We went out several times with different groups and joked around and watched everybody play games and laughed at Johnathan Glick and Ricky Bourne who are absolutely crazy. I got to see some of my old friends from youth camps gone by and got to hang out with some really cool people. The services were really awesome and the spirit of the Lord was really there. I'm so glad I got to go!
I'm doing better and haven't had any attacks for about a week now. My sinus infection is slowly starting to clear up, so keep praying for me! I know ice cream isn't the best thing for someone with sinus problems but we're getting Bruster's tonight for my birthday. Yay!
Anyhoo, besides all that, I got to go to Ohio Youth Camp for a couple days. That was really great, and I got to see all these people who actually remembered me- amazing!-and I had a blast. We went out several times with different groups and joked around and watched everybody play games and laughed at Johnathan Glick and Ricky Bourne who are absolutely crazy. I got to see some of my old friends from youth camps gone by and got to hang out with some really cool people. The services were really awesome and the spirit of the Lord was really there. I'm so glad I got to go!
I'm doing better and haven't had any attacks for about a week now. My sinus infection is slowly starting to clear up, so keep praying for me! I know ice cream isn't the best thing for someone with sinus problems but we're getting Bruster's tonight for my birthday. Yay!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ohio Youth Camp!
No dear readers, I did not suddenly get healed, although that would be kind of nice. My sinus is starting to clear up a little and I haven't had any more attacks, knock on wood. However, I'm not going up for the whole camp, just for today and tomorrow. This means that I will miss our sofball game, but after a long and hard decision, I decided to go to youth camp. (Then, next week I will miss the last softball game because I will be going to my grandparents' in Indiana that day to visit for almost a week.) Sherilyn, Emily, Kenny, and I are all going up to Ohio Youth Camp for a couple days. That will be an interesting trip. Well, Talk to ya later,
Famous Amos the Second
Famous Amos the Second
Friday, July 13, 2007
Well, There Goes That Idea!
No youth camp. This is kinda like deja vu. The second youth camp I will have missed this summer. However, life has not been totally boring so I can't really complain. I've gotten to play softball several times, watch a softball game, play volleyball, eat homemade ice cream, and last night was our youth get together at Titus and Cherie's. Tomorrow, we (my family) are going to go hear a bluegrass group. This Sunday, GBS quartet is coming. Next Tuesday, another softball game. Next Friday, my birthday! Yay! The next week, we're going to visit my grandparents in Indiana. So, really, there's a lot going on and I'm not bored. I do have allergies or sinus on top of these annoying attacks I've been having and today, I go again to the doctor's. So I need to end this post and go get ready.
Monday, July 9, 2007
This crazy thing won't let me put a title on here! I think that is very terrible of it, but alas, blogspot does what it wants and I have no control.
Well, I just happened to have another dizzy spell the other day, (great). I guess it isn't anxiety attacks. So I will hopefully go to a specialist sometime soon. I also think I have a doctor's appointment this Friday. Please pray! I want to go to Ohio youth camp sooo bad! I don't know if I will, since this happened again.
Tomorrow is the church's softball game! Yay! Last week, Kyle's team lost to Jamie's. The two Kenwood teams also played each other. The one team had an ufair advantage (I believe) over the other and won. I don't know who plays who tomorrow. After all, I am a sort of substitute and don't know these things. Kyle is on Matt and Tara's team, and it is uncertain as to whether they will show up because of something that happened with Matt's brother. Someone requested prayer for him yesterday in church and it sounded serious. That would be something else to remember to pray for.
I know this may sound ridiculous, but I love listening to the commentary for movies. I just listened to the commentary on Pride and Predjudice the other day and discovered the most interesting facts. The guys that play Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley are actually afraid of horses and didn't do any of the actual riding in the movie. I also found out that the guy who played Mr. Bingley had actually dated the girl who played Jane. I found out that the character Mary, was actually supposed to be in love with Mr. Collins. Also that the character of Mr. Darcy's cousin, the one that was engaged to him, was actually in love with Colonel Fitzwilliam. All these fascinating things from listening to the commentary. I found from listening to the commentary on the Apple Dumpling Gang that Don Knotts was afraid of heights and usually had stunt men to do his tricks for him. Shocking! And now you know the rest of the story!
Well, I just happened to have another dizzy spell the other day, (great). I guess it isn't anxiety attacks. So I will hopefully go to a specialist sometime soon. I also think I have a doctor's appointment this Friday. Please pray! I want to go to Ohio youth camp sooo bad! I don't know if I will, since this happened again.
Tomorrow is the church's softball game! Yay! Last week, Kyle's team lost to Jamie's. The two Kenwood teams also played each other. The one team had an ufair advantage (I believe) over the other and won. I don't know who plays who tomorrow. After all, I am a sort of substitute and don't know these things. Kyle is on Matt and Tara's team, and it is uncertain as to whether they will show up because of something that happened with Matt's brother. Someone requested prayer for him yesterday in church and it sounded serious. That would be something else to remember to pray for.
I know this may sound ridiculous, but I love listening to the commentary for movies. I just listened to the commentary on Pride and Predjudice the other day and discovered the most interesting facts. The guys that play Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley are actually afraid of horses and didn't do any of the actual riding in the movie. I also found out that the guy who played Mr. Bingley had actually dated the girl who played Jane. I found out that the character Mary, was actually supposed to be in love with Mr. Collins. Also that the character of Mr. Darcy's cousin, the one that was engaged to him, was actually in love with Colonel Fitzwilliam. All these fascinating things from listening to the commentary. I found from listening to the commentary on the Apple Dumpling Gang that Don Knotts was afraid of heights and usually had stunt men to do his tricks for him. Shocking! And now you know the rest of the story!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
My apologies for not updating sooner. It is not completely my fault. I had one of my spells again a couple weeks ago, along with having company, and the church picnic and other various things to keep me busy. I visited the doctor's office once again since he didn't figure out what was wrong with me last time I was there. I still don't know, but he is treating me with medicine for anxiety attacks.
The Hobe Sound Quartet came and really sounded better than I was expecting though they obviously couldn't outdo GBS male quartet. I along with several of our church friends and the quartet went to UDF after the service to get ice cream.
Speaking of quartets, GBS will be here in a couple of Sundays. The day after I will be leaving for Ohio Youth Camp if all goes well.
Not much going on in my life...... actually, it's been pretty fun. A couple outings, softball games, and a volleyball game at GBS. I've been reading more books-imagine that!-and I think I have found my favorite book. It's romance of course, but it is a really sweet story about acceptance and Christian attitude. It's called A Victorian Rose by Catherine Palmer, if anyone is interested.
I've also been feeding the Stetler's dogs while they are gone to Alabama Camp. I love those dogs! They love me too....probably just cuz I feed them! :)
Oh and Happy July 4th! It rained a lot here, but I managed to sit out on our back deck last night and watch a pretty good show. After a while though, it started raining again and I had to go back inside. Oh well! Well, just thought I'd update everybody since ya'll seemed so anxious to hear from me!
The Hobe Sound Quartet came and really sounded better than I was expecting though they obviously couldn't outdo GBS male quartet. I along with several of our church friends and the quartet went to UDF after the service to get ice cream.
Speaking of quartets, GBS will be here in a couple of Sundays. The day after I will be leaving for Ohio Youth Camp if all goes well.
Not much going on in my life...... actually, it's been pretty fun. A couple outings, softball games, and a volleyball game at GBS. I've been reading more books-imagine that!-and I think I have found my favorite book. It's romance of course, but it is a really sweet story about acceptance and Christian attitude. It's called A Victorian Rose by Catherine Palmer, if anyone is interested.
I've also been feeding the Stetler's dogs while they are gone to Alabama Camp. I love those dogs! They love me too....probably just cuz I feed them! :)
Oh and Happy July 4th! It rained a lot here, but I managed to sit out on our back deck last night and watch a pretty good show. After a while though, it started raining again and I had to go back inside. Oh well! Well, just thought I'd update everybody since ya'll seemed so anxious to hear from me!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
New Post! How Exciting!
Hey! I'm writing a new post! This is it!
Just foolin around with ya. Nothing terribly exciting happening around here. Hmmm...
Oh Yeah! Stetler's are now moved in to their new house...right beside mine! Complete with golden retriever puppies! (That's the most important part!)
Next Wednesday, Hobe Sound Bible College male quartet comes to sing. I've heard they're not that good, and that they even admit it but... oh well, it will be a delight to have them, I'm sure. (It's another one of those breaks from the boredom, you know. I kinda feel like a hermit sometimes and getting out in the public and seeing new people is always welcome! Just kiddin, I'm not really that bored!)
I have read another four or five books, watched a Chonda Pierce video, Ella Enchanted, and The Apple Dumplin' Gang Rides Again! I'm so proud of myself -what an accomplishment! I am also learning a few German words from the German dictionary I got at the library. I might as well learn something this summer!
Oh, yes, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins are coming next Saturday. Next Saturday is also the church picnic, and my second cousin Steven Aaron is getting married.
Well, that's about all the stuff going on in my life right now. Glad I could let you in on it!
Just foolin around with ya. Nothing terribly exciting happening around here. Hmmm...
Oh Yeah! Stetler's are now moved in to their new house...right beside mine! Complete with golden retriever puppies! (That's the most important part!)
Next Wednesday, Hobe Sound Bible College male quartet comes to sing. I've heard they're not that good, and that they even admit it but... oh well, it will be a delight to have them, I'm sure. (It's another one of those breaks from the boredom, you know. I kinda feel like a hermit sometimes and getting out in the public and seeing new people is always welcome! Just kiddin, I'm not really that bored!)
I have read another four or five books, watched a Chonda Pierce video, Ella Enchanted, and The Apple Dumplin' Gang Rides Again! I'm so proud of myself -what an accomplishment! I am also learning a few German words from the German dictionary I got at the library. I might as well learn something this summer!
Oh, yes, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins are coming next Saturday. Next Saturday is also the church picnic, and my second cousin Steven Aaron is getting married.
Well, that's about all the stuff going on in my life right now. Glad I could let you in on it!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Welcome Back!
Hey everybody! Welcome back from youth camp!
So yesterday at church, I got the whole story from everybody about what all went on down at youth camp. Seemed like it just wasn't the same without me (or so I heard). Sorry to disappoint everybody. lol. Actually, it felt a little awkward to have everone telling me how much they missed me and wished I was there. I was not sure how to respond to this. So hugs worked just fine. I missed everybody, and was kinda bummed. I mean, I felt normal Tuesday through the rest of the week, and I was distressed. I did, however, manage to read about eleven books this past week, along with watching about seven episodes of the Flying Nun ( a very funny old TV show that we found on dvd at the library), and the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, Carousel. That was a sad movie. I feel like I have accomplished something monumental. Ha! Yeah, right. So I'm glad everybody had fun. Welcome back, bla bla bla, etc. Now I have filled you in on my exciting week. :) I'm really not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, really. I don't care. It's fun to have everbody excitedly telling me their version of youth camp. I'm getting perspectives that I wouldn't have heard if I had gone.
So yesterday at church, I got the whole story from everybody about what all went on down at youth camp. Seemed like it just wasn't the same without me (or so I heard). Sorry to disappoint everybody. lol. Actually, it felt a little awkward to have everone telling me how much they missed me and wished I was there. I was not sure how to respond to this. So hugs worked just fine. I missed everybody, and was kinda bummed. I mean, I felt normal Tuesday through the rest of the week, and I was distressed. I did, however, manage to read about eleven books this past week, along with watching about seven episodes of the Flying Nun ( a very funny old TV show that we found on dvd at the library), and the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic, Carousel. That was a sad movie. I feel like I have accomplished something monumental. Ha! Yeah, right. So I'm glad everybody had fun. Welcome back, bla bla bla, etc. Now I have filled you in on my exciting week. :) I'm really not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, really. I don't care. It's fun to have everbody excitedly telling me their version of youth camp. I'm getting perspectives that I wouldn't have heard if I had gone.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Totally Unexpected
Yeah, that's about the only way to describe it. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm blogging when I'm supposed to be in Alabama. Well, I'm still a little lost on that one myself. I was ready to go and had everything packed. Then Sunday night, I went through one of the awfulest experiences in my life. This included severe stomach pains, passing out once, and throwing up. Yeah- lovely, I know. So that's why I'm here and not there. I almost started the vomiting thing again Monday night, and thank God, after praying and reading my Bible some, I actually felt better. I'm pretty close to being back to normal. Monday, I went to the doctor to get checked to make sure I was okay. Of all things, I had to have some young, good-looking doctor. So let's just say I felt a slight awkward. My bloodwork that I did came back fine, and I'm supposed to have an ecocardiogram (ultrasound on my heart) next month. The doctor says this is standard procedure for people who pass out. He also said that sometimes people pass out for no reason, and not to worry about it that much. So, I am enjoying catching back up on my rest which may have been part of the reason for my not feeling so well. Mom and I have been shopping and everything is getting back to normal. I still miss being in Alabama, though!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Prepare, Alabama!
Well, look out Alabama! Here we come! Youth Camp is two days from now. Yay! It looks like a heat wave is hitting Alabama about the time we'll be getting there. Ha. Probably from hot people like me heading that way! (just kiddin'). Anyhoo, I've already been packing, and I have pretty much everthing packed. Yup. Stayed up after midnight, but I've got just about all I need! Mom and I are going to go get me a disposable camera here in a few, and I'll be ready. But is Alabama going to be ready for me? I don't know if I'll be able to stand getting up early every morning, and I won't do as good in sports (at least not in softball) as I've done before. This is the most unprepared I've been - I've also gained weight. Yuck! Oh, well!
So....Alabama -prepare yourself! I'm coming! >>insert scary horror music>> (and a shriek or two.... it can't hurt.) :D
So....Alabama -prepare yourself! I'm coming! >>insert scary horror music>> (and a shriek or two.... it can't hurt.) :D
Friday, June 1, 2007
Sleep Deprivation Does Odd Things to Teenagers
Ahhhh! So where to begin? *sigh* that is the question. So after gorging ourselves on cookies and s'mores, our crazy sleepover began. There were actually only eight of us, then Marjie and Katrin had to leave at eleven, so there were only six of us to sleep over. The name sleep over gives the unsuspecting reader the connotation of being a time to sleep in. The true and literal meaning of the word is to sleep over at someone else's house, and visit and chat with friends and stay up as late as possible without falling asleep - something you would never do at your own house with only your family around. We stayed on the back porch laughing, talking, and doing hair until the water hose (that someone was rinsing something off with and accidentally let go) got loose and sprayed us all at one in the morning. Needless to say, there was much shrieking and such, and the neighbors weren't too fond of that. After being reprimanded by one neighbor, we decided that we had embarrassed Cherie enough, and went inside. Then we played dutch blitz, and finally, I learned how to play! I had the lowest score, but for not having a partner with it being my first time ever to play it, I was doing halfway decent. We laughed and talked some more, and I can't remember what all we did. After a while, Esther began to laugh uncontrollably and we started doing more crazy things to make her laugh. Then we went downstairs. Esther and Kyla played checkers, and I (being the brilliant actress that I am), kept Tiffany and Kaylen in stitches with my little skits. Sleep depriviation does weird things to teenagers. You never know what will come out of their mouth once they're inspired, and everything is funny at five in the morning of course! I eventually went to sleep a little after six, and I was (unfortunately) awakened by a loud dinner bell, and then Carolyn, who ran upstairs and shouted "Hallelujah!" as if there was something to be happy about at the ungodly hour of ten thirty! (She went to bed first).
Even though I resloved not to fall asleep so that I could sleep better tonight, I confess, I napped for an hour or so. Of course, it doesn't help when that's what both your parents are doing and you can't tell them about the crazy night you had. I just had a Mountain Dew, and now I'm afraid I won't fall asleep tonight. I know that no one really cares and I'm just rambling, but like I said, sleep deprivation does strange things to teenagers!
Even though I resloved not to fall asleep so that I could sleep better tonight, I confess, I napped for an hour or so. Of course, it doesn't help when that's what both your parents are doing and you can't tell them about the crazy night you had. I just had a Mountain Dew, and now I'm afraid I won't fall asleep tonight. I know that no one really cares and I'm just rambling, but like I said, sleep deprivation does strange things to teenagers!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Heaven Protect Us!!!
Well, guess what? I got a call two nights ago from our youth pastor's wife, Cherie. And we're going to have a girl's night out and sleepover at their house. (Hence the title). It is going to be tomorrow night at 8:00. This is another break in my boredom. The last sleepover provided some interesting antics and pictures. If you want to see some pictures of it, you can check out Callie's blog. I have a link to hers (that works now), and you will probably find these pictures in her March archives. So tomorrow, watch out Titus and Cherie's house and furniture! You know not what lurks in when you aren't looking. Last time was very fun, and since Marjorie, Carolyn, and Tiffany are leaving us (starting moving next week), we had to get this last sleepover in there somewhere before they left. We're going to miss them! Most likely, they'll not forget tomorrow! Insert evil cackle>> HAhahaha!
Monday, May 28, 2007
A Little Break in the Boredom
Well, last night was a little break from the boredom. Actually, to be honest, I haven't gotten THAT bored yet. But anyway, I had a fun time last night. Last night, our family went to campmeeting at GBS. It was a really great service; I haven't seen one like that in a while. Then after service, I went to Amy Miles' house with Kyle and Belinda. We had a little refreshments and I learned how to play this game called Qwitch. It was pretty fun, even if I only won one game. After that, Kyle and I came home and changed and went back out. We went to Steak and Shake after midnight and met some of our friends. (Jamie, Dani, Mary, Belinda, Amy, and these other two guys that I didn't really know). At first, when Jamie got there, he kept on going on about how tired he was and that he would probably leave before we even got our food. He looked like he was about to collapse right there. However, never underestimate Jamie. By the time we got our drinks, Jamie was not tired. The best way I can describe the way he acted was a ADD ten-year-old who just had pop and candy. He was hyper, in other words. He proceeded to use the ten extra straws that the unsuspecting waitress had given us to shoot the wrappers at Dani, who was complaining that Jamie was being to hyper. Then he decided that these straws could be used for more than just the usual. He wanted to get in the Guiness Book of World Records. He attatched every single extra straw he had to make a really long straw. Then, with a lot of lung power, he sucked his water up this nearly four foot straw. He put more on then stood up. Then, he stood on the chair and drank. Then he began swinging the straw around trying to get the rest of us to try this craziness. So, Kyle stood up and did it too. The whole night was like that. One crazy thing after another. Dani was sooo embarrassed. Especially since Jamie kept referring to her as his wife and calling her honey and baby and saying "we can work this out, babe," and announcing to the restaurant (there was only one group there besides us), "I love this woman. This one right here." Of course, Dani was ready to leave after that. (This is apparently not the first time Jamie has done this.) Then we had this pepper eating deal. Not a good thing. Even water only helped temporarily. Then gum... ahh, sweet relief. I really don't know why I felt better after gum instead of water. In case you were wondering, about four or five of us ate these stupid peppers. It isn't as bad to eat it as it is to sit there five minutes later, and your tongue is still burning and water doesn't help. There were all kinds of crazy things that I could go on about, but I won't. So you see, I guess I'm not bored after all!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I am already feeling bored! I'm hoping my brother and I can go to Ezra's graduation party, or maybe go over to Camp Metting tonight over at GBS. I have nothing to do! AHHHHH! Swallowed up in the black hole of boredom! Maybe I can go to the library or something. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the rest of the summer! Of course, Alabama youth camp is just a week from this Monday, the church picnic is on June 23 (also the day my aunt and uncle are coming back, and hopefully bringing my cousins this time), and Ohio youth camp is in July on the week of my birthday. This will be the 3rd year in a row that I haven't been home to celebrate my birthday. And I'm sure we'll have Vacation Bible School. But other than that, what do I do this summer? HELP!!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
I Got Dem Blues!
Ok, so maybe that's a little too dramamtic of a way to put this. But seriously, I'm already getting the blues! How will I live without all the crazy people I went to school with this year? Who will I laugh at?! Well, I guess my brother Kyle is always a good source for laughter. I seriously don't know what I would do without him. Probably go sane. Yeah, that's sane, not insane. You gotta stay crazy or else life can get too depressing sometimes.
Mamaw came home from the hospital today! Thank you if you were praying! Let's just hope that she's out for good this time!
Mamaw came home from the hospital today! Thank you if you were praying! Let's just hope that she's out for good this time!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Last Day of School!
Ok, so I know this is supposed to be a happy time in my life. I've finished my junior year, and I'll be graduating next year and moving on to greater heights. But I'm going to miss all my great new friends from GBS that I won't see until next school year! I guess I will give everybody I can the address for this blog so they can keep in touch, or at least give my email out. I'm sort of sad about having to wait three months before I see all these great new friends again, even at the same time that I'm glad tomorrow is my last day of school.Anyhow......enough depressing stuff!
My aunt and uncle were just in Tuesday night. Uncle Russ had to fly out yesterday morning to London, but Aunt Carla spent the night again last night. She got to come and hear our high school choir sing at camp meeting. She left this morning to go back home.
Well, tomorrow I officially become a senior. It is hilarious to see us already becoming closer! We're already planning our senior trip, our fundraisers, and class colors for next year! It's kind of funny to see us already doing stuff like that, I guess, but it's really fun! We're planning on breaking tradition and going to Outer Banks, North Carolina for our senior trip. We've already planned one activity to do while we're there as well. We're going to go horseback riding on the beach! How fun is that! It's going to be neat for me because I've never been to the beach before. Well, I guess that's about all that's going on today for me. I can't say I lead a boring life, though. Ever since I started school at GBS, my life just seems to have gotten ten times busier.
My aunt and uncle were just in Tuesday night. Uncle Russ had to fly out yesterday morning to London, but Aunt Carla spent the night again last night. She got to come and hear our high school choir sing at camp meeting. She left this morning to go back home.
Well, tomorrow I officially become a senior. It is hilarious to see us already becoming closer! We're already planning our senior trip, our fundraisers, and class colors for next year! It's kind of funny to see us already doing stuff like that, I guess, but it's really fun! We're planning on breaking tradition and going to Outer Banks, North Carolina for our senior trip. We've already planned one activity to do while we're there as well. We're going to go horseback riding on the beach! How fun is that! It's going to be neat for me because I've never been to the beach before. Well, I guess that's about all that's going on today for me. I can't say I lead a boring life, though. Ever since I started school at GBS, my life just seems to have gotten ten times busier.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Last Day!!!!
All right! Last real day of school! Of course, we have this stupid aptitude testing or whatever it is, but that doesn't count. Anyway, when I first started this blog and put myself down as a senior, Ezra and Esther told me I was lying. But after today, I'm technically a senior. So for pretty much everybody, by the time you will have even figured out that I will have a blog, I will be a senior. So anyway, this is the last official day of school. I have a Chemistry exam and a computer exam. SCARY! I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Rumor has that our computer exam will be very simple. I hope so, because we're having to redo our entire computer paper. But after this, I should have a fairly easy rest of the week! I hope so anyway, because my weekend was anything but easy!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Hello Blog World!
Wow! Never really thought I'd be making my own blog, but here it is! I'm not one of those computer literate people, so this is all new for me. I had a post saved from yesterday, but this crazy blog wouldn't let me publish it today, so I am writing it all over again.
For those of you who don't know, I live in Burlington, Kentucky (the best place on earth). I also go to GBS, short for God's Bible School.
Last Monday was our Junior/Senior banquet. I took my pastor's son, Kenny Stetler. I would post pictures, but I don't have a digital camera. I do have pictures of it though. This awesome banquet we did for our Seniors took a lot of our meager account; therefore, the Juniors had to pay their thirteen dollars (even though we were supposed to go free). There was some agreement about this that I don't remember. This should give us 130 dollars back. Then, Saturday morning, we began a fundraiser for (obviously) more funds. This was probably the coolest fundraiser I've ever heard of, and useful, too. We got to be waitresses (our class that is, minus the two guys) at the Westchester Skyline. (Or Union Centre Skyline, whichever you prefer). I left ten minutes early from Skyline, so I'm not sure yet how much money we made. Working as a waitress was actually very fun, and I told the girls that I wish we really did have a job like that and all worked together. We had so much fun!! Friday night, I spent the night in the dorm with Rachel Crissinger and her roommate, Esther Gilley so that I could get a ride to Skyline. The next morning, we went to Skyline. Rachel drove, and she drove a stickshift which made Esther, Brittany, and I a little nervous. But she did a good job and got us there and back. My other friend form class, Tasha, left her cell phone in my purse at Skyline. I didn't know she had left it there, and we drove off with her cell phone! So she won't be able to get it until tomorrow at school. For those of you who know me well, I'm sure you know my grandmother has been in the hospital for some time. They released her Friday after about four weeks of being there, and unfortunately, they had to take her back last night. I had been at a youth get together in Dayton, Ky, and I had come back to Cincinnati to get my stuff at the Byers (where I left it after getting back from Skyline). Kyle had called and said that Dad had to take Mamaw back to the hospital, so Kyle was going to take me home. The road was detoured and we had to take a longer route home. We passed the ambulance as it was coming from Mamaw's. Poor Mom and Dad stayed with her until they got her a room and didn't get home until 7:30 this morning. Needless to say , we're all a little tired. If you remember, please pray for her!
This post is getting way to long, and I need to study for my Chemistry exam. It's tomorrow, and it's one of my last two. Just think, after tomorrow, I'm officially a senior! Well, got to go!
For those of you who don't know, I live in Burlington, Kentucky (the best place on earth). I also go to GBS, short for God's Bible School.
Last Monday was our Junior/Senior banquet. I took my pastor's son, Kenny Stetler. I would post pictures, but I don't have a digital camera. I do have pictures of it though. This awesome banquet we did for our Seniors took a lot of our meager account; therefore, the Juniors had to pay their thirteen dollars (even though we were supposed to go free). There was some agreement about this that I don't remember. This should give us 130 dollars back. Then, Saturday morning, we began a fundraiser for (obviously) more funds. This was probably the coolest fundraiser I've ever heard of, and useful, too. We got to be waitresses (our class that is, minus the two guys) at the Westchester Skyline. (Or Union Centre Skyline, whichever you prefer). I left ten minutes early from Skyline, so I'm not sure yet how much money we made. Working as a waitress was actually very fun, and I told the girls that I wish we really did have a job like that and all worked together. We had so much fun!! Friday night, I spent the night in the dorm with Rachel Crissinger and her roommate, Esther Gilley so that I could get a ride to Skyline. The next morning, we went to Skyline. Rachel drove, and she drove a stickshift which made Esther, Brittany, and I a little nervous. But she did a good job and got us there and back. My other friend form class, Tasha, left her cell phone in my purse at Skyline. I didn't know she had left it there, and we drove off with her cell phone! So she won't be able to get it until tomorrow at school. For those of you who know me well, I'm sure you know my grandmother has been in the hospital for some time. They released her Friday after about four weeks of being there, and unfortunately, they had to take her back last night. I had been at a youth get together in Dayton, Ky, and I had come back to Cincinnati to get my stuff at the Byers (where I left it after getting back from Skyline). Kyle had called and said that Dad had to take Mamaw back to the hospital, so Kyle was going to take me home. The road was detoured and we had to take a longer route home. We passed the ambulance as it was coming from Mamaw's. Poor Mom and Dad stayed with her until they got her a room and didn't get home until 7:30 this morning. Needless to say , we're all a little tired. If you remember, please pray for her!
This post is getting way to long, and I need to study for my Chemistry exam. It's tomorrow, and it's one of my last two. Just think, after tomorrow, I'm officially a senior! Well, got to go!
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