Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Day of School!

Ok, so I know this is supposed to be a happy time in my life. I've finished my junior year, and I'll be graduating next year and moving on to greater heights. But I'm going to miss all my great new friends from GBS that I won't see until next school year! I guess I will give everybody I can the address for this blog so they can keep in touch, or at least give my email out. I'm sort of sad about having to wait three months before I see all these great new friends again, even at the same time that I'm glad tomorrow is my last day of school.Anyhow......enough depressing stuff!
My aunt and uncle were just in Tuesday night. Uncle Russ had to fly out yesterday morning to London, but Aunt Carla spent the night again last night. She got to come and hear our high school choir sing at camp meeting. She left this morning to go back home.
Well, tomorrow I officially become a senior. It is hilarious to see us already becoming closer! We're already planning our senior trip, our fundraisers, and class colors for next year! It's kind of funny to see us already doing stuff like that, I guess, but it's really fun! We're planning on breaking tradition and going to Outer Banks, North Carolina for our senior trip. We've already planned one activity to do while we're there as well. We're going to go horseback riding on the beach! How fun is that! It's going to be neat for me because I've never been to the beach before. Well, I guess that's about all that's going on today for me. I can't say I lead a boring life, though. Ever since I started school at GBS, my life just seems to have gotten ten times busier.


heather said...

Yay! your breaking tradition! i envy that ya'll are seniors...just to forwarn you i will cry at graduation next year! tear...tear....i could be graduating next (humph)!lol! anyways.... did you think GBS would be anything less than exciting? hee hee! well this is one long comment, but that was one long post! jk

heather said...

Patty said...

Hi Amy, Am I to old to look at your blog:-) Outer banks was one of our best vacations ever. I think that is a very cool idea.

Amy Weddle said...

Heather- thanks!
Patty- don't worry about a thing. You're welcome on my blog anytime! We're all pretty excited about next year. Everybody has been agreeing on all the ideas that are being brought up, and it's nice to see the class pulling together.

heather said...

My Jane,
Don't worry about Mr. Bingly. He will come when he finally realizes he's in love with you! ; )....ya i did have your e/mail wrong!hee hee well i'm going to write a blog!

meluvzmb said...

hey Amy that waz pride and prejudice and have u seen that gentleman over there w/ the quizzical brow well I'm goin to the left, to the left, cya

Amy Weddle said...

Yeah, Callie. See, actually, Heather and I have this thing where I'm Jane and she's Elizabeth. I'll explain it all to you at church.