Monday, September 24, 2007

Wedded Bliss!

No dear viewers, I did not get married over the weekend. (Frankie and I are doing just fine. I think most of you know who Frankie is.)
However, I did play at a wedding Saturday. I really did not know the family. The groom's great- aunt was the only person in the family that I knew, and unfortunately, she didn't come. It all went pretty well except for the fact that the seven bridesmaids were standing right in front of me, and I didn't know that the flower girl had not come down yet. I stopped playing, only to begin playing again. The flower girl did not even end up sprinkling the petals down the aisle; her mother, the matron of honor, pretty much had to walk her daughter down the aisle. Other than that, the wedding went okay. It was a pretty nice gig for fifty dollars. I was shocked.
I will do my best to keep you updated on the boring facts of my life as much as possible. Who knows? Maybe I'll have more exciting things happen soon.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Dear Blog Viewers,

So terribly sorry I haven't been able to write anything new on here. I've been busy with school and other various unimportant things such as that, so my correspondence is sadly lacking. I'm doing pretty good with school. Life is interesting to say the least. Tonight I have a rehearsal for a wedding that I'm supposed to play for. Last night is was after one o'clock before I was able to go to sleep. Great! I know you'll all be extremely proud of me... I've been driving! I don't think I'll drive today as we're in a big hurry so I can get home in time for my ride to the rehearsal. I'm actually writing this in my Spanish three class. We got done early today, so I had some extra time. Seriously, this is the first time I've had the opportunity to do this. They won't let us get on here as much as they used to. They've been cracking down on us more this year.
I'll do my best to stay in touch and try to keep up with all of your blogs too.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

School Days

Well, the lazy , hazy days of summer have passed us by, and all we teenagers are back in school.
Today is the first day of a three day weekend. This Monday is Labor Day for those of you who might have forgotten. I am doing just fine in school (if you were wondering), and don't have to take advanced math or Physics now! The way things worked out was really great. So now I'm not so stressed. I am actually having fun and enjoying all the new teachers. They are really great! I'm enjoying getting to see familiar faces on campus once again, and seeing some "new" ones such as Amber Cutler, Gretchen Pickett, Ezra Byer and John Lee.
I had one of my spells Wednesday night and only got two hours of sleep. It was awful. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me on the test she did, so she is trying something else. It may be due to the food I eat, and she gave me some medicine to use when I have my "attacks."
Just to let you know, if you already didn't know, Oscar Johnson passed away. I really love that man. He was the closest thing to perfect I ever saw, and I'm sure he's in heaven now. If anyone would have made it, it would have been Oscar.

Since this Monday is Labor Day, WEBN is putting on fireworks Sunday night. I think I'm going to be able to go with Kyle to see them. I went with him and the Miles and some other people last year, and even with all the walking we did, it was lots of fun. Have a wonderful holiday weekend! Enjoy!