This is my murderous cousin. He is currently serving time in the zoo for bad behavior.
We don't expect to hear of a release date anytime soon.

Just to let you know, this is another joke that originated from my goofy answers that I tend to give. In my Spanish class, our conversation time comes straight from the book and it tends to get a little boring. So I started making up my own questions using the term "el mono,' which means "the monkey." Now, the other two girls in my class kind of expect me to ask with "el mono' in the sentence, and they have also started using other animals, like la vaca (the cow), and el puerco (the pig), and el pollo (the chicken). There are some girls that are known as monkeys (not very literally), and they each have their names. Well, I decided to be a spider monkey, and today, I was named... El Mono! It's not the disease, mono (MAH-noh), it is mono (MOH-noh). Just to clear that up. I klnow this is stupid and going onm forever, but just thought I'd share. I haven't written in forever anyway, and you're probably wondering where I've been anyway. So now I have posted for you.
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