Hey! Our class is once again doing our Skyline fundraiser. We will be waitressing/waiting on tables at the Westchester Skyline on Westchester Road. I doubt any of you could actually come but if you could it'd be great! All tips go to Senior class!
Hey! I'm Amy Weddle, the world's coolest blonde! I'm from the best place in the world.... Kentucky! I'm six feet tall and now I'm a freshman (all over again, this time in college)!
Hey i wanna go only one little problem I HATE SKYLINE but other than that i would go haha ttyl *CaLLiE*
dearest jane,
i admit i never ever get on this thing and isn't a terrible thing! i guess it is lol! well, i was looking at your post and laughed your so funny! i'm proud to be your sister! ; ) anyways catch ya on the flip side! (don't ask, i thought that was cool, and it was in the 80's hee hee)!
luv ya,
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