So the Stetler's dog, Katie had puppies yesterday. Last I knew there were six. Somebody can update me. But anyway, there were six the last time I was over there. I got to watch two of them be born. It is a very disgusting yet amazing process. Lucy, their other dog is expecting and could probably go any time this week. How exciting!
Hey Amy, last I heard there r 11 puppies and they r soooooo cute. It was...well not fun but interesting to watch the number 4# and 6# be born. It was hilarious how Callie was freaking out. Wasn't it Callie??? lol I thought it was kinda cool. well, c u tomorrow. ~*Kyla*~
Yup,They're 11.They all seem to be doing fine.Keep your fingers crossed.
P.S.I'm Going to put some pics of them on my blog (www.kennystetier.weebly.com) pretty soon.
visit my blog. katrincrater.blogspot.com
I'm glad how everyone luvs 2 make fun of mi it wasnt that kewl to watch uhhu imean it was kinda sickening no duh ? Gross NEVER AGAIN !!!!!!! *Callie*
I wasn't making fun of u callie! I was only pointing out the facts!lol jk
Hey how come no one ever goes to my blog anymore>
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