Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's Wrong with Abortion?

There are many arguments going up today on a subject called "abortion." To correctly define abortion, it is "the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy" or "any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, especially during the first six months." To some, the definition itself may seem like just another definition, while to some it may sound horrendous. Many people think that if the mother wants an abortion, then she should be able to have an abortion because it is her right. Christians, along with many other conservatives, take the opposite side. Abortion is wrong. To Christians, it is a sin. Why? Because Christians believe that abortion is murder, which goes against the Bible. Doctors and scientists have argued that abortions are not killing babies, in fact, they are disposing of embryos that would later develop into babies, or fetuses, which are not even developed babies. There have been others, however, that have argued that fetuses are indeed babies and that embryos do carry life in them. Who is right? Let's take a look at the pro-abortionist's side. The embryo is not even a baby and is not living; therefore, it is dead. Abortion removing embryos would be the same as removing other defective tissue from the body; a simple surgery with no harm done. The fetus is not fully developed; therefore, it's not a baby either. It doesn'thave the abilities a newborn would have, nor the senses. After all it is the mother's right to choose if she keeps her baby or not. The circumstances might be unpleasant; there might not be room for another child or enough money to raise it. The mother may not be married, and the child would have no father to help nurture it. Perhaps she was a rape victim or perhaps the child would be born quite handicapped. An abortion gives the mother an option - one that may spare her or the baby or others pain.
Now let's take a look at the anti-abortionist's view. The embryo does in fact carry DNA, which means that it is living, and a human will later develop from that embryo. A fetus is actually already quite developed by the time the abortion is performed. It has eyes, hands, fingers, fingernails, feet, toes,and toenails. The fetus truly is a developed baby, and an abortion would be murder. Personally, I take the side of anti-abortion. For this side, there are some other arguments. A fetus is a baby, just not as fully developed as a newborn. Does that give anyone the right to end its life? A toddler is less developed than an adult, but if you would kill it, you would be charged for murder. If you killed an expectant mother, you would be charged with double murder. Why, then, would you not be guilty of murder if you killed only the baby, and not the mother? There are other facts to argue against the case for pro-abortion. There are many reasons why abortion is wrong, but the chief reason is the life contained within the fetus. A fetus is a baby. Abortion is murder.


Ally said...

I agree completely, abortion is wrong. A child has a life from the very beginning; they have a heartbeat and are a real living being. A fetus has many qualities already within a few weeks. Abortion is killing a human being; no matter if they are three days old or if they are three months.

Unknown said...

excellent job! to the point, yet not insulting, even though i disagree ... much better than the raybotlz blog (your teacher told me to comment on peoples blogs - just in case you wonder how i got this blog site)

Jess said...

It's hard to comprehend sometimes how pro-choice supporters can believe what they do. Seems to me that the best way to stop abortion is to educate people in an unbiased manner what abortion truly is. Then we can pray that they see what the problem is. "A person is a person, no matter how small" to quote Dr. Suess. Amazing how deep that phrase can be. And it's true. A fetus - no matter how small or seemingly insignificant - is still a little person, a baby waiting for life.

Good job Amy!

Diane Wood said...

I really liked that you didn't get emotional and defensive about the subject of abortion. You presented the facts in a logical and factual manner. I enjoyed reading it!